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What did you do today? - Autumn - 08-30-2012

I woke up after having a dream that Gimpy was trying to teach me Jiu Jitsu. Midget texted me, but it was the wrong Autumn, lol. I cleaned some, went to my dads, went for ice cream, and watched "Act like a lady, Think like a man" with my cousin.

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Re: What did you do today? - Enigma - 08-30-2012

I went to work, had a crappy, busy day at work, came home and almost finished a blanket, ate some pizza and hopped on B6. I worked on that fuckin blanket for like 5hours!!! but it's almost finished...just gotta do the border. woot.

Re: What did you do today? - TheGreenBK - 08-31-2012

Jacked off three times and smoked pot

Re: What did you do today? - Enigma - 08-31-2012

that's hot

What did you do today? - The Professa - 08-31-2012

Was so comfy this morning that I wanted to stay in bed longer. I got up, showered, put on a cute dress, and met up w a buddy of mine from out of town for coffee. then I had a couple classes-both math- and stayed on campus working on my jedi skills. dad called at some point but ive been in such a good mood lately that i didnt want to entertain his crackpotery. Ate dinner and hung out w the super nerds in the sps, did some hw and then went home.

Re: What did you do today? - holagatita - 08-31-2012

took care of a very full ICU of kitty and puppy patients, including a litter of 10 beagle puppies and their mom, that have parvovirus, pneumonia, and ringworm. Literally doused myself in bleach all day. Also a full appointment schedule of various healthy and sick animals, including two Pekingese that had about a thousand fleas apiece. Picked fleas out of my bra and did an interpretive itchy dance that entertained my co-workers. Now I'm on vacation for the next 11 days, and I'm pretty fucking stoked. Going to visit Fred's family, then we're not sure what we're doing. Hopefully nothing.

Re: What did you do today? - LuckyNumbrXIII - 08-31-2012

Got up, made breakfast, went to work.

In work, we've been doing the Republican convention for the past 4 days, it's been a nightmare. I got to literally PULL THE PLUG on the convention tonight. It felt amazing. I've also been working the Paralymics and the Bundesliga. And I got some training in the Met Opera theater broadcasting.

Came home, made dinner, sat on the balcony with my girlfriend for about an hour or two, played Mario, checked facebook, and now here I am.

Note: all the posts I made here today have been on my phone during downtime.

Re: What did you do today? - KillaMo187 - 08-31-2012

woke up. confirmed all plans. began the weekend mission.

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Re: What did you do today? - Autumn - 08-31-2012

Amanda, will the mommy and puppies make it?! Parvo is so scary!
Mo, that sounds devious. In a scary way.

I was supposed to go for dinner with a friend, but she has bronchitis. :(

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Re: What did you do today? - juggalogigolo - 08-31-2012

woke up at 7 and went to work, it was my last day before vacation, and since its friday of labor day weekend, it was busy as FUCK, i sold about 5 times as much fish as i thought i would, so they are going to be fucked tomorrow, but i dont give a fuck, because IM ON VACATION.... going to try and go see george clinton tonight in concert. then tomorrow we are going to go visit my mom for her birthday and suprise her, because she dosent think ill be able to make it up to visit until later this week. later on in the week we are planning on going to kings island, and then hitting up jungle jims, this super awesome grocery store not to far away, thats always on the food network and shit. THEN next weekend is a horror convention here in town, so we will be going to that as well. with as much of doing nothing crammed in between as possible

Re: What did you do today? - holagatita - 08-31-2012

Autumn Wrote:Amanda, will the mommy and puppies make it?! Parvo is so scary!
Mo, that sounds devious. In a scary way.

I was supposed to go for dinner with a friend, but she has bronchitis. :(

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we put one of the puppies to sleep because he went downhill really really fast, the rest are doing great. Parvo does indeed suck.
It's why I'm a vet tech...had a puppy die from it in my arms when I was 12, and years later when im like wtf do i want to do with my life, I said I want to help animals, and educate their owners.

Re: What did you do today? - holagatita - 08-31-2012

fred Wrote:woke up at 7 and went to work, it was my last day before vacation, and since its friday of labor day weekend, it was busy as FUCK, i sold about 5 times as much fish as i thought i would, so they are going to be fucked tomorrow, but i dont give a fuck, because IM ON VACATION.... going to try and go see george clinton tonight in concert. then tomorrow we are going to go visit my mom for her birthday and suprise her, because she dosent think ill be able to make it up to visit until later this week. later on in the week we are planning on going to kings island, and then hitting up jungle jims, this super awesome grocery store not to far away, thats always on the food network and shit. THEN next weekend is a horror convention here in town, so we will be going to that as well. with as much of doing nothing crammed in between as possible
fuck, this vacation is gonna go by fast :(

Re: What did you do today? - sTr - 08-31-2012

got drunk applies to most of my days...

Re: What did you do today? - Autumn - 08-31-2012

Today, I got to check out the hall where I'm having my 30th birthday party. I took Tim to work, and made homemade meatballs and invited my dad, brother, uncle, aunt, and grandfather down for dinner. Was good times. :)

Re: What did you do today? - Willis - 08-31-2012

Went to work. Left early. Went to some music shops, played some basses, but made no purchases. Drank, watched tv, and played video games since then. Been a solid day.

Re: What did you do today? - Autumn - 08-31-2012

Speaking of vidja games, I have some I should be playing.

Re: What did you do today? - sTr - 08-31-2012

!'m gonba get my game on here shortly, my plans for the night fell through

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Re: What did you do today? - juggalogigolo - 08-31-2012

mine didnt, george clinton was good times... althought it was mostly p funk with george just sitting in a chair most of the time.... niggas old as dirt

Re: What did you do today? - John the Juggalo - 08-31-2012

I fucked off the entire day then went to skateboard for the night.

Re: What did you do today? - Autumn - 08-31-2012

That's how he was at GOTJ, Fred. Although, they put on a good show.

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Re: What did you do today? - juggalogigolo - 08-31-2012

word, twas entertaining

What did you do today? - The Professa - 09-01-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:I fucked off the entire day then went to skateboard for the night.

Sounds like a good day.

Did my normal day thing and was supposed to hang out w a buddy this evening, but she ended up getting called into work. Which sucks cause I really wanted to go out and do something fun.

Re: What did you do today? - Enigma - 09-01-2012

slept until 1030. got on fb until 1215. got dressed and went to a baby shower until 245. came home, worked on a blanket project for 30 minutes, took a nap until 5. back to fb for 15mins. now back here.

Re: What did you do today? - fghtffyrdmns - 09-02-2012


I woke up. Puked. Had breakfast. Puked. Got to work at 9. Realized we didn't have any white cupcakes, and only a half a bucket a buttercream and I had 8 orders and a three-tiered cake to do. Called some customers, got yelled at. Did some cakes. Took a half-hour lunch (we're supposed to get hour lunches here). Puked. Got the runaround from every manager in the store. Convinced an assistant manager to go to another Walmart and get me more buttercream. Did the rest of my cakes, including the three-tier, like a boss. Half-assed on cleaning because I ran out of time. Clocked out at 6:10. Missed my bus home. Puked. Got a ride from my best friend's grandmother. Got home, now I'm here.

Today sucked. Is it my day off yet?


[Image: Okay.jpg]

Re: What did you do today? - Enigma - 09-02-2012

Oh. i'm so sorry sweety. i want to massage your feet!

Re: What did you do today? - fghtffyrdmns - 09-02-2012

-wiggles toes

PLEASE, haha. One more day and then I have two days off......sweet baby jesus I need it. Plus on Wednesday I get to see the baby's heartbeat <3

Re: What did you do today? - Enigma - 09-02-2012

awww!!! that's exciting. when is the baby due?

Re: What did you do today? - juggalogigolo - 09-02-2012

fuck all that.... im on vacation, i went to visit my mom for her birthday yesterday, but shits depresing as fuck so i came home today