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People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - insane - 07-21-2012

PHOENIX (AP) — Investigators for an Arizona sheriff's volunteer posse have declared that President Barack Obama's birth certificate is definitely fraudulent.

Members of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's posse said in March that there was probable cause that Obama's long-form birth certificate released by the White House in April 2011 was a computer-generated forgery.

Now, Arpaio says investigators are positive it's fraudulent.

Mike Zullo, the posse's chief investigator, said numeric codes on certain parts of the birth certificate indicate that those parts weren't filled out, yet those sections asking for the race of Obama's father and his field of work or study were completed.

Zullo said investigators previously didn't know the meaning of codes but they were explained by a 95-year-old former state worker who signed the president's birth certificate. Zullo said a writer who published a book about Obama's birth certificate and was aiding investigators let them listen in on an interview he conducted of the former state worker.

The Obama campaign declined to comment on Arpaio's allegations.

The Arizona Democratic Party said in a statement that Arpaio's investigation is intended to draw attention away from problems within his own agency, such as hundreds of sex-crime cases that the sheriff's office failed to adequately investigate over a three-year period.

So-called "birthers" maintain Obama is ineligible to be president because, they contend, he was born in Kenya.

Hawaii officials have repeatedly confirmed Obama's citizenship, and state officials did again Tuesday.

"President Obama was born in Honolulu and his birth certificate is valid," Joshua A. Wisch, a special assistant to Hawaii's attorney general, said in a statement. "Regarding the latest allegations from a sheriff in Arizona, they are untrue, misinformed, and misconstrue Hawaii law."

Wisch also said that "not only are Hawaii's vital records some of the best managed, but they also have some of the strongest restrictions on access to prevent identity theft and fraud."

Obama released a copy of his long-form birth certificate in an attempt to quell citizenship questions.

Courts have rebuffed lawsuits over the issue.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-21-2012

who really gives a fuck where he was born?

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

sTr Wrote:who really gives a fuck where he was born?

people need to get over it.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

Its a pretty significant matter where he was born especially if hes not even a natural born citizen, people shouldn't get over it.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

he's a good president thats all that matters.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

No, hes not.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

John the Juggalo Wrote:No, hes not.

yes he he did best he could with lil to no help!

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-21-2012

he is a shitty president, but they all are... or have been for quite a while

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

you think you could do better job?

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-21-2012

maybe, maybe not. but that doesn't mean he's a good president

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - BiggGameJames - 07-21-2012

better then George W Bush

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-21-2012

toilet brush?

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

..and this guy is trying to tell us about politics, he can’t even spell a god damn four letter word!

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-21-2012

He was an okay president that inherited issues that required an EXCELLENT president.

I don't care where he was born, honestly, I think anyone that has a full education from the USA and knows enough about the Executive Branch of the US government should be able to be president. Congress and Senate should always be lifelong US citizens, though.

States are supposed to have most of the power, and so many friggin immigrants become governors.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-21-2012

[Image: 586.gif]

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

I just wish we had a president that believed the oath he swore to uphold the constitution.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-21-2012

Problem is there are too many people in this country. The constitution doesn't cut it anymore. People have decided that what's legal is equal to what is socially acceptable. That's not the case. Too many people are pissed off because motherfuckers do whatever they can and hide behind their rights. It's the nationwide equivalent to schoolyard, "I'm not touching you, so you can't hit be back," shit. That's why all these fucking laws come out. People overstep their boundaries and it's making it aggravating as hell living in a populated city.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

Its aggravating as hell to live in this country. I agree, but i disagree that the constitution doesn't cut it.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-21-2012

The constitution doesn't say anything about abortion, homosexuals' rights, digital piracy, etc. It doesn't cut it. It severely needs at LEAST 3 more amendments, otherwise we're just gonna be flapping our gums for the next decade.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-21-2012

Decade? People will find a way to flap their gums for way longer than that. Even if they added amendments people would adapt and learn to hate new things, it's the American way.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - LuckyNumbrXIII - 07-21-2012

Haha... truth be told.

Let me clarify that... people will flap their gums about the same shit we have been for 20 years, for the next decade.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-21-2012

Those are all issues that the states should be responsible for, not the federal government.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - F-Disk - 07-22-2012

Word @ sherrif joe

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - evulninja - 07-22-2012

shit i've never been an obama supporter by any means even tho i voted for his ass (big mistake btw) but if we don't get his ass out of office then this whole country is gonna go even further into the shitter... he promised health care.. (big fail on that one) that and he's black is the main two reaspns he got elected. lets get someone in there thats qualified to get failing companies back in the green and we can get out of this recession and possibly back into a surplus. we need to take action now before this country turns communist..

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-23-2012

we're stuck in a predicament here, who will be worse. In one corner we have Obama which has been a pussy this whole time, not really taking anything to the limit to get his agenda across. In the other corner we have a mormon who's been spoon fed his entire life by his governor dad. We're fucked either way. ! liked McCain, he made the wrong choice by selecting Sarah Palin.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - evulninja - 07-23-2012

yeah and thats the only reason i didnt vote for mccain..

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-23-2012

Obama and Romney are pretty much the same suit. As far as eliminating the national debt, it can't happen as long as we're faced with the monetary woe that is the Federal Reserve.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-23-2012

We need to get rid of the federal reserve for sure. Is it gonna happen? Probably not. Nothing is going to change unless we as a group stand up against the corruption. The problem is half of our population doesn't feel the same way as we do, they tend to agree with everything they see on TV.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - evulninja - 07-23-2012

we need to go back to the fucking gold standard.. i wish to god i had started buying up gold about 12 years ago when it was 600 dollars an oz.. thats why im biuijg silver now at 32 dollars an oz.. once it goes up to 75 or 100 bucks an oz ill have enough to buy a new car lmao

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-23-2012

The problem is nobody even knows where money comes from, nobody even realizes the absolute insanity of fractional reserve banking, its fraud. Until you cut off the corruption at the source, it’ll never be done with. That source is the money, ending the Reserve will be next to impossible. Kennedy tried this, and look at what is left of that effort? He was a smart man, and is now made to look like another sleaze. The last time there was no national debt was with Andrew Jackson when he abolished the first Federal Reserve. It’s the most crucial issue, but you’ll be laughed at if you even bring it up in a mainstream media.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - evulninja - 07-23-2012

thats why i dont watch the national news... or any news for that matter.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - John the Juggalo - 07-23-2012

Its just propaganda, people need to turn off their TVs, and abandon their self written tabloids on their Facebooks and think beyond the drama on an empty screen. Its all bullshit clouding them, but dont get me wrong because i think social medias can be a great thing.

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - F-Disk - 07-23-2012

see sig

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - evulninja - 07-23-2012

ron paul will never win. even tho he seems like a cool guy he only got like 5 percent of the votes

Re: People Still denying Obama was born in hawaii - sTr - 07-23-2012

! like Ron Paul, but it is a fact that he'll probably never get a shot to run with the big boys.